Magica Pelle  (hereinafter, also "supplier") invites each User / Visitor of the site to take note of the following General Conditions, which regulate access, navigation and use of the web pages that can be consulted from the home page , as well as the sale of advertised products.

Art. 1 - Identification and general data

The terms and conditions indicated below (the "General Conditions of Sale") form an integral part of the contracts concluded between the supplier and the buyer for the supply of the supplier's products (the "Products"), they comply with the provisions on the sale of consumer goods pursuant to Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n. 206, hereinafter referred to as the Consumer Code.

The General Conditions of Sale apply to all transactions concluded between the supplier and the buyer through the e-commerce site, without the need for an express reference to them or a specific agreement to do so. sense at the conclusion of every single transaction. Any different conditions or terms apply only if confirmed in writing by the supplier.

The supplier reserves the right to modify, supplement or vary the General Conditions of Sale, attaching these changes to the offers or to any correspondence sent in writing to the buyer.

The Site is owned by Christian D'Urso Leather Agent (hereinafter also referred to as "company") based in via Misericordia n. 97 -Solofra (Av) 83029  -Italy -VAT number lT 019 831 606 47  - Fiscal code: DRS CRS 68A 311 805B- Rea 116022 AV 

For any need or request for information, as well as for any communication connected and / or related to the purchase of the Products - including any reports, complaints, requests concerning the purchase and / or delivery of the Products, the exercise of the right to withdrawal, etc. - it is possible to contact the COMPANY, according to the methods indicated on the Site at the following addresses:

Email address:

Christian D'Urso Leather Agent based in via Misericordia n. 97- Solofra(Av)-83029-Italy

Art. 2 - Exclusion of guarantees and limitation of liability

Christian D'Urso Leather Agent does not guarantee that this site and all information, content, materials, products (including software) and services included or also made available through this site, their servers or emails sent by Christian D'Urso Leather Agents are free of viruses or other harmful components. Christian D'Urso Leather Agent will not be liable for damages of any kind deriving from the use of this website or from any type of information, content, materials, products and services included or also made available through this site, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, accidental, moral, and consequent.

Art. 3 - Intellectual and industrial property rights

The customer declares to be informed that all rights relating to trademarks, names, as well as any distinctive sign, denomination, image, photograph, written or graphic text used on the Site relating to the Products are and remain the exclusive property of the Owner, without that from accessing the Site and / or from the purchase of the Products, the customer may derive no rights over them.

The contents of the Site cannot be reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, transferred by electronic or conventional means, modified, or used for any purpose without the prior written consent of the Owner.

Art. 4 - Product selection and purchase procedure

The Products presented on the Site can be purchased by selecting the Products of interest to the Consumer and placing them in the appropriate virtual shopping cart. After the selection of the Products, to make the purchase of those included in the cart, the Consumer will be invited to provide their data in order to complete the order and allow the completion of the contract. The Consumer will see a summary of the order to be executed, of which he can modify the contents: therefore the Consumer, after careful reading, must expressly approve these general conditions of sale, by means of the appropriate check mark (check-box) on the Site and finally, through the Complete Order button, the Consumer will be asked to confirm his order, which will then be definitively sent to the Seller. The Consumer will also be asked to choose the payment method from those available.

Art. 5 - Conclusion of the contract

Each urine formulated according to the modalities referred to in the previous art. 4, constitutes a firm and irrevocable proposal pursuant to art. 1329 of the Italian Civil Code for a period of 180 days from the moment the order is received by the Seller and, therefore, the revocation by the Buyer before the deadline is ineffective and is equivalent in all respects to mere refusal